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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Non-Combative Exorcism: Peace Talks with the Unseen

Because of movies and television (and maybe even personal experiences), Pinoys have become all too familiar with exorcism scenes where a priest sprinkles a rabid subject with blessed water or a community medicine man tortures the demon in the body with chicken feathers or a stingray’s tail. While the methods above had proven to be successful in varying degrees many times over the centuries, there is one more exorcism method we can pack into the list: non-combative exorcism. This means no torturing, punishing, or imprisoning the entity.

How It Happens

To see where non-combative exorcism is coming from, let’s lay down a few premises. First, let’s discuss the mechanism of possession.

There are seven subtle layers surrounding the human body: etheric, emotional, mental, astral, etheric template, celestial, and causal.  Chronic emotional weakness, trauma, or extreme bursts of emotion are few of the things that cause rifts between the etheric and astral bodies. These rifts are used by entities, mostly from the lower realm, to affect or possess the physical body.

Why It Happens

There is nothing random about possession. Entities that use the rifts are attracted to the negative energy exuded by chronic emotional weakness, trauma, or extreme bursts of emotion. In plain simple science (yes, science!) or the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. So, in possession, what we have are beings from other dimensions who do not belong to the physical world, be it a human body, inanimate object, or a brick-and-mortar structure.

Guiding with Compassion

When something does not belong, the moral responsibility is to return it to its place unharmed. This is the principle behind non-aggressive exorcism.

In non-combative exorcism, the entity is requested to leave the possessed. For instance, Buddhists use mantras and sutras to bathe the entities in Dharma or to help enlighten them.  Certain Jewish exorcisms require a group of ten adult males, called a minyan, to pray for the entities. The Rabbi even negotiates, bargains, and persuades the entity to leave, reminding it of stiff heavenly sentences should it not accede. In shamanistic exorcism, the exorcist travels to the spirit world to ask for help or to get instructions on how to expel the identity.

In the Philippines, there is, at least, one non-religious group which asks beings to leave in the name of love. Here is an example of this method. There’s a big chance elementals living in your backyard will pay no heed to Vedic deities. But, treating them with love and respect is a language they will thoroughly understand. From there, the exorcist can explain that the possessed can change his ways so as not to cause the rift anew. Then the entity is thanked (remember, respect) for helping the possessed improve himself even if it was in the most indirect and fearsome manner. The entity is then asked to leave via a portal opened—and later closed—by the exorcist.

The love referred to here is the inner light source that links each of us to one another, regardless what we believe in and what dimension we hail from. It is the root of all consciousness that can be found in man and all the denizens of the higher and lower realms.

Incantations and amulets can also be used in non-aggressive exorcism, but the standard is not to cause harm to the entity. Cause harm and the exorcist will surely pay for it any time between the next moment and eternity as the Law of Cause and Effect dictates.

The Stamp of Credibility

Hierarchy is another key concept in non-aggressive exorcism. It works in two ways. One, you take into consideration negotiating with the “immediate superior” of the entity being removed. If you get the superior to give the command to leave, then you get the job done.

Second, your level of spirituality should be higher than that of the entity being removed. The light within you must shine so bright that the entity concedes that there is no match.

Sealing the Fissures

When the entity finally leaves, it is guided to its way back to its realm so as not to cause more harm to others. It is returned to where it came from. The possessed, meanwhile, is cleansed of the exorcist of all the effects of the possession, and the rift between the etheric and astral bodies is tended by counseling. Otherwise, other entities will surely keep coming in, solving nothing. Many times, the entity simply runs off to the farthest corner only to step right back in after the exorcist is done performing cleansing rituals with salt and what not.

Non-aggressive exorcism makes no claim as to being the best method in removing entities. But, it certainly lessens the risk of retaliation from the removed entities and their ilk. (Yes, they are known to stand up for one another.) In the end, it’s as simple as making no enemies and gaining friends. (You’ll never know if you will need the help of that entity someday, particularly if he happens to be the superior of the entity in your next possession case.) After all, an exorcist is no good to anyone if he becomes stricken or annihilated.

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Venus Cruz or Venus BC is a magazine writer and editor. Other than her magazine career, she also takes writing projects for various NGOs. She belongs to a non-sectarian group that believes in giving, at least, a tenth of one’s resources, time, or abilities to helping others each day.  

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